A nervous face...unapproving smirk!

For several weeks now, we're trying to analyze why wiggles has itchy spells. We've been to the veterinarian and he was given a steroid and an antibiotic shot which afforded short relief, and for the last 2 weeks, he's been nursing a hot spot in his back. So, off we go again to the vet. Advised: Bathe dog every 2 weeks only, instead of twice a week, and most likely poopsie has a bad allergic reaction to fleas
he found 1 or 2 after going to the dog park . Verdict: Another steroid shot, a pill for fleas for 6 months, and we bought a shampoo and essential oils. Last night he was still sporting his buster collar, no appetite except for cookies. Today, as I was prepping myself for my exam tomorrow, he finished his Beneful meal (laced with the anti flea pill), came up to my lap, gave him a good massage for about 30 minutes, dozed off, and still sleeping after I lay him down on top of our couch throw pillow. He is very precious. He gave us unconditional love, and we're grateful to give the same in return.
Finally got some sleep without a buster collar!
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