Should we:
...laugh at the troll that walks in, holding a bottle of silk worms, bringing the entire family to be seen for recurrent non-healing sores?
...mock the stupidity of the parents that comes in at 2 in the morning, rushing their child that has an insect/mosquito bite?
...get mad at a frequent flier middle aged woman with a headache of over 2 weeks, who sought help to different specialist and didn't find anything wrong with her? pissed off on a 52 year old man who can't use the triage door, instead insisted to get in to the ambulance bay because he has "severe chest pain" unrelieved with several narcotic pain medicine?
...get tired of taking care of the frequent flier quadriplegic who apparently fakes his seizures or the morbidly obese woman who has a trache and always has shortness of breath?
Many have lost their integrity in their profession. A lot of it may be blamed from the different kinds of abuses encountered.
And in (the Pollyannaism World) our line of business, "we can just pretend that we really care for our clientele."( perceived from the principal's office...shhhhh).
Meanwhile, I am doing my reality check. So far, of my xx years of service, pretending is not part of my job description. Tragically though, I will be encountering more of (ugh)idiosyncrasy, not the clients, but with the gods. And with the help of the Almighty Higher Ups, may I not stroke out and hit my head on the ground when I get to see or talk to the sourpuss (again), because even in my reincarnation, I don't wanna be like them, "the deity of morons."
"When you look for the bad in mankind expecting to find it, you surely will."
Abraham Lincoln, Inscription on Pollyanna's locket, a gift from her father~ Pollyanna is a best-selling 1913 novel by Eleanor H. Porter
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Find the difference, Kuya Bodjie

My evaluation was completed at 8am today. Done and over with. All I have to do is to wait for my (?)pay raise(?) and another year of "I told you so!" blah blah blah.
I was upset when I walked out of the office of my director. She claimed ( as told by a mole or a snitch, she was just there not more than 2 months...oh yeah ) that there's a "clique" on NOC shift. So, Ms. ---- suggested that if we are going to order food, if we hang out, if we, if we, if we.......
So this is what I told her...."I didn't know that I am back in high school. I am so sorry that in my past life I didn't play with Samwel and Nadjia." " You see, they speak karay-a when they play and I feel alienated." " I can't understand a word they say, but I don't wanna go to your office just to let you know that they don't want to play with me and they speak martian when you're not around, so, I just go out in the street and find me another playmate." " So if my playmates start to congregate and talked about Thess has a nipple ring, or that Jhunior impregnated another schoolmate of ours (and it's not his girlfriend), or if Jarjar was a bastard, or Jabba d hut just had a's none of my business what these people wants to do with their lives, and I have no intention of sharing any of these information to every living critter that passes by me on the face of the earth. what I hear from my playmates whispers has nothing to do with cliques. These are information that are personal and should not be shared for the entire mankind. So, no one should come in to your office and start singing "Cry me a river" just because they don't watch " Gossip Girl!" And neither do I. I just happen to sit in the business class and reading a blog (gotta find me another place to sit!) when Journey started singing. But that doesn't mean that I am a member of Journey. Getch mo ba!?
I've worked in a company with better incentives and benefits and more chaotic than where I am right now, but none of these immaturity occurred. NO BROWN NOSERS!
In general, I have a good evaluation. I told my hubby about the clique part and his take is...."enough of that bringing food for the entire nation."
Dang, he's always right!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
SCANDAL - an ER doctor & drug seekers
It has been a busy week for me (not the kind of "census is up busy),so for now, I will copy and paste an article that I've read few days ago. There is no one to thank for the insight that this particular ER physician made, and I wish it does, so I can send him/her a thank you gift. I will be back as soon as I have the courage to write about a memory that had been brewing in my mind.
To the daring and courageous it goes!
OK, I am not going to lecture you about the dangers of narcotic pain medicines. We both know how addictive they are: you because you know how it feels when you don't have your vicodin, me because I've seen many many many people just like you. However, there are a few things I can tell you that would make us both much happier. By following a few simple rules our little clinical transaction can go more smoothly and we'll both be happier because you get out of the ER quicker.
The first rule is be nice to the nurses. They are underpaid, overworked, and have a lot more influence over your stay in the ER than you think. When you are tempted to treat them like shit because they are not the ones who write the rx, remember: I might write for you to get a shot of 2mg of dilaudid, but your behavior toward the nurses determines what percent of that dilaudid is squirted onto the floor before you get your shot.
The second rule is pick a simple, non-dangerous, (non-verifiable) painful condition which doesn't require me to do a four thousand dollar work-up in order to get you out of the ER. If you tell me that you headache started suddenly and is the 'worst headache of your life' you will either end up with a spinal tap or signing out against medical advice without an rx for pain medicine. The parts of the story that you think make you sound pitiful and worthy of extra narcotics make me worry that you have a bleeding aneurysm. And while I am 99% sure its not, I'm not willing to lay my license and my families future on the line for your ass. I also don't want to miss the poor bastard who really has a bleed, so everyone with that history gets a needle in the back. Just stick to a history of your 'typical pain that is totally the same as I usually get' and we will both be much happier.
The third rule (related to #2) is never rate your pain a 10/10. 10/10 means the worst pain you could possibly imagine. I've seen people in a 10/10 pain and you sitting there playing tetris on your cell phone are not in 10/10 pain. 10/10 pain is an open fracture dangling in the wind, a 50% body surface deep partial thickness burn, or the pain of a real cerebral aneurysm. Even when I passed a kidney stone, the worst pain I had was probably a 7. And that was when I was projectile vomiting and crying for my mother. So stick with a nice 7 or even an 8. That means to me you are hurting by you might not be lying. (See below.)
The fourth rule is never ever ever lie to me about who you are or your history. If you come to the ER and give us a fake name so we can't get your old records I will assume you are a worse douchetard than you really are. More importantly though it will really really piss me the fuck off. Pissing off the guy who writes the rx you want does not work to your advantage.
The fifth rule is don't assume I am an idiot. I went to medical school. That is certainly no guarantee that I am a rocket scientist I know (hell, I went to school with a few people who were a couple of french fries short of a happy meal.) However, I also got an ER residency spot which means I was in the top quarter or so of my class. This means it is a fair guess I am a reasonably smart guy. So if I read your triage note and 1) you list allergies to every non-narcotic pain medicine ever made, 2) you have a history of migraines, fibromyalgia, and lumbar disk disease, and 3) your doctor is on vacation, only has clinic on alternate Tuesdays, or is dead, I am smart enough to read that as: you are scamming for some vicodin. That in and of itself won't necessarily mean you don't get any pain medicine. Hell, the fucktards who list and allergy to tylenol but who can take vicodin (which contains tylenol) are at least good for a few laughs at the nurses station. However, if you give that history everyone in the ER from me to the guy who mops the floor will know you are a lying douchetard who is scamming for vicodin. (See rule # 4 about lying.)
The sixth and final rule is wait your fucking turn. If the nurse triages you to the waiting room but brings patients who arrived after you back to be treated first, that is because this is an EMERGENCY room and they are sicker than you are. You getting a fix of vicodin is not more important than the 6 year old with a severe asthma attack. Telling the nurse at triage that now your migraine is giving you chest pain since you have been sitting a half hour in the waiting area to try to force her into taking you back sooner is a recipe for making all of us hate you. Even if you end up coming back immediately, I will make it my mission that night to torment you. You will not get the pain medicine you want under any circumstances. And I firmly believe that if you manipulate your way to the back and make a 19 year old young woman with an ectopic pregnancy that might kill her in a few hours wait even a moment longer to be seen, I should be able to piss in a glass and make you drink it before you leave the ER.
So if you keep these few simple rules in mind, our interaction will go much more smoothly. I don't really give a shit if I give 20 vicodins to a drug-seeker. Before I was burnt out in the ER I was a hippy and I would honestly rather give that to ten of you guys than make one person in real pain (unrelated to withdrawal) suffer. However, if you insist on waving a flourescent orange flag that says 'I am a drug seeker' and pissing me and the nurses off with your behavior, I am less likely to give you that rx. You don't want that. I don't want that. So lets keep this simple, easy, and we'll all be much happier.
Your friendly neighborhood ER doctor
To the daring and courageous it goes!
OK, I am not going to lecture you about the dangers of narcotic pain medicines. We both know how addictive they are: you because you know how it feels when you don't have your vicodin, me because I've seen many many many people just like you. However, there are a few things I can tell you that would make us both much happier. By following a few simple rules our little clinical transaction can go more smoothly and we'll both be happier because you get out of the ER quicker.
The first rule is be nice to the nurses. They are underpaid, overworked, and have a lot more influence over your stay in the ER than you think. When you are tempted to treat them like shit because they are not the ones who write the rx, remember: I might write for you to get a shot of 2mg of dilaudid, but your behavior toward the nurses determines what percent of that dilaudid is squirted onto the floor before you get your shot.
The second rule is pick a simple, non-dangerous, (non-verifiable) painful condition which doesn't require me to do a four thousand dollar work-up in order to get you out of the ER. If you tell me that you headache started suddenly and is the 'worst headache of your life' you will either end up with a spinal tap or signing out against medical advice without an rx for pain medicine. The parts of the story that you think make you sound pitiful and worthy of extra narcotics make me worry that you have a bleeding aneurysm. And while I am 99% sure its not, I'm not willing to lay my license and my families future on the line for your ass. I also don't want to miss the poor bastard who really has a bleed, so everyone with that history gets a needle in the back. Just stick to a history of your 'typical pain that is totally the same as I usually get' and we will both be much happier.
The third rule (related to #2) is never rate your pain a 10/10. 10/10 means the worst pain you could possibly imagine. I've seen people in a 10/10 pain and you sitting there playing tetris on your cell phone are not in 10/10 pain. 10/10 pain is an open fracture dangling in the wind, a 50% body surface deep partial thickness burn, or the pain of a real cerebral aneurysm. Even when I passed a kidney stone, the worst pain I had was probably a 7. And that was when I was projectile vomiting and crying for my mother. So stick with a nice 7 or even an 8. That means to me you are hurting by you might not be lying. (See below.)
The fourth rule is never ever ever lie to me about who you are or your history. If you come to the ER and give us a fake name so we can't get your old records I will assume you are a worse douchetard than you really are. More importantly though it will really really piss me the fuck off. Pissing off the guy who writes the rx you want does not work to your advantage.
The fifth rule is don't assume I am an idiot. I went to medical school. That is certainly no guarantee that I am a rocket scientist I know (hell, I went to school with a few people who were a couple of french fries short of a happy meal.) However, I also got an ER residency spot which means I was in the top quarter or so of my class. This means it is a fair guess I am a reasonably smart guy. So if I read your triage note and 1) you list allergies to every non-narcotic pain medicine ever made, 2) you have a history of migraines, fibromyalgia, and lumbar disk disease, and 3) your doctor is on vacation, only has clinic on alternate Tuesdays, or is dead, I am smart enough to read that as: you are scamming for some vicodin. That in and of itself won't necessarily mean you don't get any pain medicine. Hell, the fucktards who list and allergy to tylenol but who can take vicodin (which contains tylenol) are at least good for a few laughs at the nurses station. However, if you give that history everyone in the ER from me to the guy who mops the floor will know you are a lying douchetard who is scamming for vicodin. (See rule # 4 about lying.)
The sixth and final rule is wait your fucking turn. If the nurse triages you to the waiting room but brings patients who arrived after you back to be treated first, that is because this is an EMERGENCY room and they are sicker than you are. You getting a fix of vicodin is not more important than the 6 year old with a severe asthma attack. Telling the nurse at triage that now your migraine is giving you chest pain since you have been sitting a half hour in the waiting area to try to force her into taking you back sooner is a recipe for making all of us hate you. Even if you end up coming back immediately, I will make it my mission that night to torment you. You will not get the pain medicine you want under any circumstances. And I firmly believe that if you manipulate your way to the back and make a 19 year old young woman with an ectopic pregnancy that might kill her in a few hours wait even a moment longer to be seen, I should be able to piss in a glass and make you drink it before you leave the ER.
So if you keep these few simple rules in mind, our interaction will go much more smoothly. I don't really give a shit if I give 20 vicodins to a drug-seeker. Before I was burnt out in the ER I was a hippy and I would honestly rather give that to ten of you guys than make one person in real pain (unrelated to withdrawal) suffer. However, if you insist on waving a flourescent orange flag that says 'I am a drug seeker' and pissing me and the nurses off with your behavior, I am less likely to give you that rx. You don't want that. I don't want that. So lets keep this simple, easy, and we'll all be much happier.
Your friendly neighborhood ER doctor
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What gives....(my late reaction to MaFu)
I was reading bryanboy's blog when I stumbled upon his archives about Malu Fernandez' comment on bloggers and here it goes:
WTF was this "biyatchnamese" talking about?? Are we just lowly no life marmacette and has no one to talk to?? I (do) go out, aside from going to work and (tried to) "be a dedicated health care worker" (NOTTTTTT!). Ohh em gee! When was the last time she had her psych evaluation? I am just worried that she overdosed herself with Prozac,uppers or Ekis Pinoy `coz Le Snuffalufagus is a numbsuck!!! Judging from her pictures,

it seems like MaFu was the one who hasn't gone out for her daily walks & talks (zilch persona) because she is a rude sense of way, had too much caloric intake and morbidly obese (BTW, she looks like an evil clown with her overly done blush on. Should I email her to use "pinch your cheek" by Origins? bwehehehehehe) Shake it off girl. You live in a country where size negative double ØØ & Ø is the norm.
Enihooters, I am more concern about visits from flips proof reading my blog. Most of them are... as bryan boy said "anal-retentive English nazis on the face of the planet."
Excuse me while I hurl outside. Need to get to size Ø before going to Vegas in November. I will be wearing a 2 piece~ "A pair of earring and a smile!"
TTFN! I have to walk my dog and enjoy the humid, cloudy Texas bed weather.
PS: Ginisang mongo na may baboy ang ulam ngayon! Tsalap!
PPS: Ayoko ng sponsorship sa blog ko! Me trabaho ako na pwedeng sumuporta sa kalokohan ko.
Isa pang post script: MAFU, libre lang daw ang citizenship sa Antartica. Bwahahahahaha
WTF was this "biyatchnamese" talking about?? Are we just lowly no life marmacette and has no one to talk to?? I (do) go out, aside from going to work and (tried to) "be a dedicated health care worker" (NOTTTTTT!). Ohh em gee! When was the last time she had her psych evaluation? I am just worried that she overdosed herself with Prozac,uppers or Ekis Pinoy `coz Le Snuffalufagus is a numbsuck!!! Judging from her pictures,

it seems like MaFu was the one who hasn't gone out for her daily walks & talks (zilch persona) because she is a rude sense of way, had too much caloric intake and morbidly obese (BTW, she looks like an evil clown with her overly done blush on. Should I email her to use "pinch your cheek" by Origins? bwehehehehehe) Shake it off girl. You live in a country where size negative double ØØ & Ø is the norm.
Enihooters, I am more concern about visits from flips proof reading my blog. Most of them are... as bryan boy said "anal-retentive English nazis on the face of the planet."
Excuse me while I hurl outside. Need to get to size Ø before going to Vegas in November. I will be wearing a 2 piece~ "A pair of earring and a smile!"
TTFN! I have to walk my dog and enjoy the humid, cloudy Texas bed weather.
PS: Ginisang mongo na may baboy ang ulam ngayon! Tsalap!
PPS: Ayoko ng sponsorship sa blog ko! Me trabaho ako na pwedeng sumuporta sa kalokohan ko.
Isa pang post script: MAFU, libre lang daw ang citizenship sa Antartica. Bwahahahahaha
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I was shaking so hard this afternoon while opening the statement bill from my hospitalization last month. I snoop the approximate bill, and it wasn’t good. I was so worried that I've indulge myself to work 9 days post-operatively(with the knowledge that ER had already been busy), because I was thinking that I would be paying it for millions of years.
My husband read it for me, `coz it was dizzying with all the dollar signs charged on me between 2 doctors & ER visit, 2 surgeries and hospitalization. All in all, according to hubby, I just owe them $363.20 mickey mouse dollars. Oi! I had a health plan discount (employee discount), then my health plan itself. Juice mio. What a relief.
Lord, thank you for backing me up!
Side note: We were busy the other day that we maxed out our gurney-patient ratio. A man with a male child was clamoring about he pays the highest taxes in that area and would not be able to get a room right away
(they were in the hallway gurney) dang! Are you serious, man? I didn’t even know that our 5 tier triage process just changed based on how much you pay taxes). Child was crying because he hurt his side. Dad yelled at our physician, police officers had been called. Automatically, child had a full work up with IV access (IMO, not needed, really~ but dad’s yelling made it worse.)
Diagnosis: child made it home (of course) with just contusion (see what I mean). Dad~No cure for stupidity.
Lesson: Don’t make a fool of yourself. Remember, we’re the closest hospital in your area. I will be looking forward seeing your arse....again!mwehehehehehe
My husband read it for me, `coz it was dizzying with all the dollar signs charged on me between 2 doctors & ER visit, 2 surgeries and hospitalization. All in all, according to hubby, I just owe them $363.20 mickey mouse dollars. Oi! I had a health plan discount (employee discount), then my health plan itself. Juice mio. What a relief.
Lord, thank you for backing me up!
Side note: We were busy the other day that we maxed out our gurney-patient ratio. A man with a male child was clamoring about he pays the highest taxes in that area and would not be able to get a room right away

Diagnosis: child made it home (of course) with just contusion (see what I mean). Dad~No cure for stupidity.
Lesson: Don’t make a fool of yourself. Remember, we’re the closest hospital in your area. I will be looking forward seeing your arse....again!mwehehehehehe

My dog made me believe that I don't belong in our crib. I have this hunch that my neat freak hubby and our OCD dog are conjoined at birth. My husband laughs at how I iron my uniform (so he ends up doing it for me), while my dog is eyeing me intensely that I am about to make a mess. Huwatdapak! 
OK, I came from the planet Yakizurba, I love japanese food, I'm still a coke addict and the best of it all, I love it when I'm in front of my pc and think nothing about tomorrow and just continuously surf the wide world of web. Ohh la la. My hubby noticed that I am not into Journey/AP anymore. I am soooo saturated by it (I'm gonna get hanged by whoever is reading my blog). Some of the (AP)fans are killing me. Thus, I decided just to stay out of it. Nagiging bakya na eh. It's like... loving the old Happy Feet clogs in the 70's better than the Happy Feet being sold at Shoemart nowadays.
I got swayed there for a second.
I am catching up on what's in Itunes and new applications. I love to download games for my Itouch that I can use in my not oh so boring job. But the most awesome dl I got tonight is the Pandora radio station (freelaluh!). With my Itouch and wifi I'll be listening to my AOR.

It's now 0334 hrs. And I'm still going ga ga with my 80's sound.
Couldn't get away with it. Reminiscing.

Cramming. Public Health sexy uniform. "Charol shoes."
Barkada. Shakeys. Beer. Ijos. UGH!Vicious cycle.
"When you cant give no more
They want it all but you gotta say no
Im turnin off the noise that makes me crazy
Lookin back with no regrets
To forgive is to forget
I want a little piece of mind to turn to". ~
excerpt from Be Good to Yourself lyrics by Journey

OK, I came from the planet Yakizurba, I love japanese food, I'm still a coke addict and the best of it all, I love it when I'm in front of my pc and think nothing about tomorrow and just continuously surf the wide world of web. Ohh la la. My hubby noticed that I am not into Journey/AP anymore. I am soooo saturated by it (I'm gonna get hanged by whoever is reading my blog). Some of the (AP)fans are killing me. Thus, I decided just to stay out of it. Nagiging bakya na eh. It's like... loving the old Happy Feet clogs in the 70's better than the Happy Feet being sold at Shoemart nowadays.
I got swayed there for a second.
I am catching up on what's in Itunes and new applications. I love to download games for my Itouch that I can use in my not oh so boring job. But the most awesome dl I got tonight is the Pandora radio station (freelaluh!). With my Itouch and wifi I'll be listening to my AOR.

It's now 0334 hrs. And I'm still going ga ga with my 80's sound.


Cramming. Public Health sexy uniform. "Charol shoes."

Barkada. Shakeys. Beer. Ijos. UGH!Vicious cycle.
"When you cant give no more
They want it all but you gotta say no
Im turnin off the noise that makes me crazy
Lookin back with no regrets
To forgive is to forget
I want a little piece of mind to turn to". ~
excerpt from Be Good to Yourself lyrics by Journey
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Art of cooking Chicken Inasal
Sunday is BBQ day. Today's menu is Chicken Inasal (ilonggo guid ini ya nga style!)
Sige....itud-lo ko sa inyo ang recipe ni nanay:
Mix together: finely chopped ginger & garlic, lemon grass, rock salt, and brown sugar, crushed peppercorn.

Then add calamansi, and cane vinegar, mix them together

Marinate your chicken on the mixture and set aside for 1 hr.

In a pan, mix together vegetable oil, 1/2 stick butter, garlic powder, pinch of salt, achuete, and crushed peppercorn. Heat up until you yield an orange tinged basting sauce(from achuete extract.

This will be your basting oil.

Find a cute guy that will do your dirty work.

That is willing to sacrifice himself on a dead summer heat past the hour of 10, and is still smiling. Say CHICKEN!

Ahhhhh the left over! Yum. Thank gawd me natira pa pambaon ko mamaya!

"Lord, thank you for thy wonderful meal! I thought that I've completely forgotten my mom's recipe. Bless my surgeon and my gastroenterologist for taking out my gallbladder and left over stones in my common bile duct. I am now back to my weird eating habit! I say AMEN!" whoooa whoooaa!~mcc
Sige....itud-lo ko sa inyo ang recipe ni nanay:
Mix together: finely chopped ginger & garlic, lemon grass, rock salt, and brown sugar, crushed peppercorn.

Then add calamansi, and cane vinegar, mix them together

Marinate your chicken on the mixture and set aside for 1 hr.

In a pan, mix together vegetable oil, 1/2 stick butter, garlic powder, pinch of salt, achuete, and crushed peppercorn. Heat up until you yield an orange tinged basting sauce(from achuete extract.

This will be your basting oil.

Find a cute guy that will do your dirty work.

That is willing to sacrifice himself on a dead summer heat past the hour of 10, and is still smiling. Say CHICKEN!

Ahhhhh the left over! Yum. Thank gawd me natira pa pambaon ko mamaya!

"Lord, thank you for thy wonderful meal! I thought that I've completely forgotten my mom's recipe. Bless my surgeon and my gastroenterologist for taking out my gallbladder and left over stones in my common bile duct. I am now back to my weird eating habit! I say AMEN!" whoooa whoooaa!~mcc
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Life in the....
These are the RULES that I would like to say and love to follow, but in actual form, it can never happen.( I really want to say it, but I still have the chance to bite my tongue and not make any kind of sound!). This is my life in the(funny world of) ER. Hopefully, I will not be googled by my co-workers (yer right) better yet, my bosses!
Here it goes:
1. If you (are sick)disagree about the treatments you received in ER because it doesn't correlate on to what you have read on the internet, please don't come in and harass us. I will let your computer do the work and the "net" treat you. Oh yeah! More power to you too.
2. If you come to ER by ambulance, you are going to find a way how to get home after you are released. We don't give out cab voucher (BTW, I really love your big expensive COACH bag!).
3.We don't do pre-op work up just because you live around the corner, and you're going to have your surgery in Middle of nowhere Dallas.
4.We haven't used nurses cap for the last 2½ decades(Did you just got home from Venus??).
5. Please give your child Tylenol or Motrin if they have a fever. I don't need a proof that they're on fire. Have you seen a child having febrile seizure?
6. The last time I checked the word Emergency Department, it is not spelled the same manner as Burger King....therefore, there is no such thing as "Have it your Way" treatment here!
7. Please don't come in to ER because you just saw in the news about Cryptosporidium in the public pool."No mam, you don't have it. You dont get those bugs by just watching tv!"
8. I don't have your old chart in front of me, so you have to tell me (everything)all your medical history even if you come in for sore throat for 1 week.
9. Please don't call asking me if a blood pressure of 169/101 is high and you've been none compliant to your medication for over 4 weeks. First off, I don't answer to medical questions and give treatments and diagnosis over the telephone. Second, I am a very honest person. I will tell you to wait for another 4 weeks and you will know the answer to your question.
10. DO NOT...I REPEAT, do not drink Dr Pepper in front of me while you're complaining that you have a belly pain. Same goes with smokers who comes in complaining that they can't breathe. When I'm ready to take you to your room, Don't request to go out first for the last puff! Ohh Em Gee!
11. Please don't tell me that you are good buddies with Dr. Ek Ek & Atty. Plok Plok, or you're a nurse. It will not in any other way, change the course of treatment. thank you very much!
12. ER is not a drop off center of your old folks during HOLIDAY SEASON!
13. No sireebob! WE never refill narcotic medications.
14. ER is not congruent to OB clinics at wee hours, play off season, and SUPERBOWL Sunday! Sorry, but we don't play pitty party here.
15. Don't threatened me that I have only 1 chance to start an IV to your infant who had been vomiting all day, and that you are a paramedic. I consider myself the best IV nurse,I can find vein even on active pediatric code with almost no circulation, so when you threatened me like an arse on fire, I will find you another nurse to poke your child.
16. YOU WHAT??? You didn't know you're pregnant. Mam, your child's head is crowning.
17. I will not allow you to pay $350 for a pregnancy test. Go to Walmart.
18. PEOPLE...this is not DMV where you have to get a ticket number in order for us to treat you. This is a place where we see people based on the severity of their medical problem. I am sorry, PAIN is not an emergency. It is a symptom.
There are still a lot of rules that I want to remind myself of, but as the shift ends, I have to stop. It is now time for me to go home, and leave this rules behind. Besides, It is only applicable to the chosen few!
"Let me remind you that my work is to nurse you back to your health, and not to be your personal servant!And by the way, I don't care about press F#@*@$ ganey. All I care is that you're walking out of the ER with steady gait, and pissed off, but the truth shall remain. THAT I MADE YOU FEEL BETTER!" ~mcc
side note: When I was admitted in the ER for right upper quadrant pain, my husband noticed that the bedside cart is full of supplies and linens. In fact, it was the very same room that they've used when I was admitted there not to long ago for severe allergic reaction. He said, "they never used this room (pause) ever, huh. Look at this supplies in this cart, they're well stashed and never been touched."
And while I am in and out of my sharp stabbing pain on my side (coz I don't want any pain medicine), this is my response, "beh, you know when your wife and all the night shift elves work, they do a little magic trick, part of it is to make sure that all the carts in each and every room is fully replenished. And yes, we do use this room a lot too!"
Here it goes:
1. If you (are sick)disagree about the treatments you received in ER because it doesn't correlate on to what you have read on the internet, please don't come in and harass us. I will let your computer do the work and the "net" treat you. Oh yeah! More power to you too.
2. If you come to ER by ambulance, you are going to find a way how to get home after you are released. We don't give out cab voucher (BTW, I really love your big expensive COACH bag!).
3.We don't do pre-op work up just because you live around the corner, and you're going to have your surgery in Middle of nowhere Dallas.
4.We haven't used nurses cap for the last 2½ decades(Did you just got home from Venus??).
5. Please give your child Tylenol or Motrin if they have a fever. I don't need a proof that they're on fire. Have you seen a child having febrile seizure?
6. The last time I checked the word Emergency Department, it is not spelled the same manner as Burger King....therefore, there is no such thing as "Have it your Way" treatment here!
7. Please don't come in to ER because you just saw in the news about Cryptosporidium in the public pool."No mam, you don't have it. You dont get those bugs by just watching tv!"
8. I don't have your old chart in front of me, so you have to tell me (everything)all your medical history even if you come in for sore throat for 1 week.
9. Please don't call asking me if a blood pressure of 169/101 is high and you've been none compliant to your medication for over 4 weeks. First off, I don't answer to medical questions and give treatments and diagnosis over the telephone. Second, I am a very honest person. I will tell you to wait for another 4 weeks and you will know the answer to your question.
10. DO NOT...I REPEAT, do not drink Dr Pepper in front of me while you're complaining that you have a belly pain. Same goes with smokers who comes in complaining that they can't breathe. When I'm ready to take you to your room, Don't request to go out first for the last puff! Ohh Em Gee!
11. Please don't tell me that you are good buddies with Dr. Ek Ek & Atty. Plok Plok, or you're a nurse. It will not in any other way, change the course of treatment. thank you very much!
12. ER is not a drop off center of your old folks during HOLIDAY SEASON!
13. No sireebob! WE never refill narcotic medications.
14. ER is not congruent to OB clinics at wee hours, play off season, and SUPERBOWL Sunday! Sorry, but we don't play pitty party here.
15. Don't threatened me that I have only 1 chance to start an IV to your infant who had been vomiting all day, and that you are a paramedic. I consider myself the best IV nurse,I can find vein even on active pediatric code with almost no circulation, so when you threatened me like an arse on fire, I will find you another nurse to poke your child.
16. YOU WHAT??? You didn't know you're pregnant. Mam, your child's head is crowning.
17. I will not allow you to pay $350 for a pregnancy test. Go to Walmart.
18. PEOPLE...this is not DMV where you have to get a ticket number in order for us to treat you. This is a place where we see people based on the severity of their medical problem. I am sorry, PAIN is not an emergency. It is a symptom.
There are still a lot of rules that I want to remind myself of, but as the shift ends, I have to stop. It is now time for me to go home, and leave this rules behind. Besides, It is only applicable to the chosen few!
"Let me remind you that my work is to nurse you back to your health, and not to be your personal servant!And by the way, I don't care about press F#@*@$ ganey. All I care is that you're walking out of the ER with steady gait, and pissed off, but the truth shall remain. THAT I MADE YOU FEEL BETTER!" ~mcc
side note: When I was admitted in the ER for right upper quadrant pain, my husband noticed that the bedside cart is full of supplies and linens. In fact, it was the very same room that they've used when I was admitted there not to long ago for severe allergic reaction. He said, "they never used this room (pause) ever, huh. Look at this supplies in this cart, they're well stashed and never been touched."
And while I am in and out of my sharp stabbing pain on my side (coz I don't want any pain medicine), this is my response, "beh, you know when your wife and all the night shift elves work, they do a little magic trick, part of it is to make sure that all the carts in each and every room is fully replenished. And yes, we do use this room a lot too!"
Friday, August 08, 2008
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Chat with Arnel
I know....I know....I am so guilty...but I can't help it. What happened was, I was checking another blog, that has a mirror AP official website shout out box, and it so happened that AP was chatting there (his sn is knellsky), And I got stuck. But I will share it with Ms Vi and for the rest (meron ba?)who are my avid blogger followers (alam ko hubby ko lang) what I've captured today.
After knellsky left, an impostor under the same nickname logged in (unregistered) and left a message to this effect "HERE I COME BITCHES." This was captured right away by GUNBOT in Melodicrock. Came back to AP website and let the chatters aware to correct a forumer....lo and behold...even I scroll or flood the room....they didn't bother to acknowledge me. Why bother right? Enihoot...the message I posted on that shout box was picked up right away by (probably) one of the MR forumer, and gunbot erased his post. Good for him. Ms. Vagabond, this one is for you...feast your eyes over Knellsky! Oh yeah, he was also requesting if he can borrow movies like, 10,000 BC, Bank Job, There Will Be Blood, The Bucket List. Here are some info you might want to know also....#1. His Cholesterol is up, so he's not eating balut anymore, #2. He can go on for weeks with just fruits on his side, #3. he loves ampalaya and malunggay, #4. His son loves Elmo, #5 It was ABS who calls the shot for production casting (so let's not cry over if Sya SYA and Martin screw up his songs,) #5. ? A new album next year? #6. Wants to have a duet with Ann Wilson (but I guess that will never happen), #7. Will never go topless again (sayang), and He is aware about Jimmytt's hurtful comments on his youtube video, but AP said that everybody is entitled to their own opinion.

A co-worker of mine took care of a young Venetian(not telling you where that is)who came rushing to ER because she doesn't know where her tampon is. She thinks that her boyfriend had sex with her and that it pushes up her tampon (pointing to her epigastric area) and now she felt like she can't swallow. Sporting a straight face, my co-worker reaction was like " Oh my Gawd, you have to drink a lot of water to push it down. Handling over a jug of ice cold water and a cup, she said "HERE FINISH IT UP! I'm sure y'all fell better after this." She turned around with a WTF look in her face, meanwhile, the entire staff who heard the conversation went inside the trauma room, debriefing their ass off.
After knellsky left, an impostor under the same nickname logged in (unregistered) and left a message to this effect "HERE I COME BITCHES." This was captured right away by GUNBOT in Melodicrock. Came back to AP website and let the chatters aware to correct a forumer....lo and behold...even I scroll or flood the room....they didn't bother to acknowledge me. Why bother right? Enihoot...the message I posted on that shout box was picked up right away by (probably) one of the MR forumer, and gunbot erased his post. Good for him. Ms. Vagabond, this one is for you...feast your eyes over Knellsky! Oh yeah, he was also requesting if he can borrow movies like, 10,000 BC, Bank Job, There Will Be Blood, The Bucket List. Here are some info you might want to know also....#1. His Cholesterol is up, so he's not eating balut anymore, #2. He can go on for weeks with just fruits on his side, #3. he loves ampalaya and malunggay, #4. His son loves Elmo, #5 It was ABS who calls the shot for production casting (so let's not cry over if Sya SYA and Martin screw up his songs,) #5. ? A new album next year? #6. Wants to have a duet with Ann Wilson (but I guess that will never happen), #7. Will never go topless again (sayang), and He is aware about Jimmytt's hurtful comments on his youtube video, but AP said that everybody is entitled to their own opinion.

A co-worker of mine took care of a young Venetian(not telling you where that is)who came rushing to ER because she doesn't know where her tampon is. She thinks that her boyfriend had sex with her and that it pushes up her tampon (pointing to her epigastric area) and now she felt like she can't swallow. Sporting a straight face, my co-worker reaction was like " Oh my Gawd, you have to drink a lot of water to push it down. Handling over a jug of ice cold water and a cup, she said "HERE FINISH IT UP! I'm sure y'all fell better after this." She turned around with a WTF look in her face, meanwhile, the entire staff who heard the conversation went inside the trauma room, debriefing their ass off.

I hate having 2 days off. First off, I lose a day by sleeping until past 8 (yuppers!). Yes my dear, 8pm...that's with a dose of Norco 5/325. I was supposed to work for 8 hours yesterday, but I am still bothered by my post-op pain that's been nagging me for several days now. I am on restrictions of lifting no more than 10 pounds for 2 weeks but with the kind of work that I have, the mere opening of the triage door, and pushing 150 kilograms of fat dead body weight on a wheelchair has taken it's toll on me. And I gave out. Coming back to work 9 days post surgery is not easy.I felt I've walked from Mansfield to Denton.
Before I left from work, I managed to send a funny excuse-me-from-work email to my boss yesterday. I've mentioned that my "tired frail body is giving up, and my right upper quadrant is howling every now and then." I thought she's going to call me for the very informal sick call, but instead, she responded to me in a very funny way.
And now it is past 5 in the morning. What else am I going to do. Hubby and doggie are both snoring, I am about to finish my third cup of yogurt... I think, I've drank to much water.I've Oggled and googled, watched all my missed TV shows...checked my friendster, read the news for tomorrow at, re-read my fave bloggers, and here I am.... about to lose another day. I need to drain my energy. I guess I have to start making my schedule for September. Oh yeah, that's a long one. I am one of those who base their work schedule on TV shows.
I take that back, I now work on weekends only. That way I can watch, The Closer on Monday, Eureka on Tuesday, Ghost Hunters on Wednesday, Burn Notice on Thursdays, and Monk and Psych on Fridays. So you see, I have a very busy schedule. Then of course, local network series that I am oogling about, Such as Bones, Ghost Whisperer, Numb3rs, House, Medium, CSI, Criminal Minds. I don't like (honestly) watching any kind of reality shows. I hate it. People do get ugly in these shows in order for them to win.
Crap! It's 0554 hrs now. I have to go to sleep. I hope we can still get to watch "The Mummy" tonight.
PS: I hope I am done changing my blog layout.
One night, I was doing my charge work, when I get a call from a patient that was seen 2 days ago. He said he still have "abominable" pain and "shits" and wants to come back to E.R. for second opinion. I told him "We're happy to see you sir." His response is somewhat irate, "you don't understand, they escorted me out, and this time, I am going to bring my lawyers". So i said, "Sure Sir, you can bring your entire community and 7 lawyers, but please make sure you don't forget to bring yourself in." "CLICK!"
Before I left from work, I managed to send a funny excuse-me-from-work email to my boss yesterday. I've mentioned that my "tired frail body is giving up, and my right upper quadrant is howling every now and then." I thought she's going to call me for the very informal sick call, but instead, she responded to me in a very funny way.
And now it is past 5 in the morning. What else am I going to do. Hubby and doggie are both snoring, I am about to finish my third cup of yogurt... I think, I've drank to much water.I've Oggled and googled, watched all my missed TV shows...checked my friendster, read the news for tomorrow at, re-read my fave bloggers, and here I am.... about to lose another day. I need to drain my energy. I guess I have to start making my schedule for September. Oh yeah, that's a long one. I am one of those who base their work schedule on TV shows.
I take that back, I now work on weekends only. That way I can watch, The Closer on Monday, Eureka on Tuesday, Ghost Hunters on Wednesday, Burn Notice on Thursdays, and Monk and Psych on Fridays. So you see, I have a very busy schedule. Then of course, local network series that I am oogling about, Such as Bones, Ghost Whisperer, Numb3rs, House, Medium, CSI, Criminal Minds. I don't like (honestly) watching any kind of reality shows. I hate it. People do get ugly in these shows in order for them to win.
Crap! It's 0554 hrs now. I have to go to sleep. I hope we can still get to watch "The Mummy" tonight.
PS: I hope I am done changing my blog layout.
One night, I was doing my charge work, when I get a call from a patient that was seen 2 days ago. He said he still have "abominable" pain and "shits" and wants to come back to E.R. for second opinion. I told him "We're happy to see you sir." His response is somewhat irate, "you don't understand, they escorted me out, and this time, I am going to bring my lawyers". So i said, "Sure Sir, you can bring your entire community and 7 lawyers, but please make sure you don't forget to bring yourself in." "CLICK!"
Catching up session Wiggles!
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