Webeeeee me. I am now trying to keep up with the world. I've been diagnosed with depression recently and my MD put me on this little pill that all it does is to make me sleep. Sleep like I haven't slept for ages. Funny how I can be motivated. There was a day at work that I was so smashed that I have to go home early, afraid that I am going to sleep on my way home. Imagine the drive. Well as soon as I hit home, I just took my work clothes and just crash right away. Slept before 7am and woke up at 6pm then go back to work again and still smashed. As the days goes by, I lost my mood swings, I am hearing better, my understanding to the whole scenario is way much better, and my headaches and back pains are all gone. I still sleep like a log, but oh my gawd.....what a wonderful pill it is. I've mentioned my depression before to my ex's but nobody listened to me. I never knew.....that I've been on denial, and struggling to keep up with the world.
Anyhoot, things are getting better nowadays. I am still in love. How can you not fall in love with this little wootsies

.....they've grown so fast....just couldn't keep up. They love siopao, coke and pandesal. hee hee hee hee. On weekend, treat is ice cream.
Now you tell me, how can you be depressed with this lovable cuddly one?

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